The Numinous Podcast

The Numinous Podcast is a show about intuition, spirituality and the mystery of life. The host, Carmen Spagnola, is an intersectional witch and clinical hypnotherapist who has smart, soulful conversations with interesting people. The lineup is diverse, the topics are eclectic, and the people are down-to-earth (mostly).

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Thursday Apr 11, 2024

I am a huge fan of Wayne McCrory's book, The Wild Horses of the Chilcotin: Their History and Future. Wayne McCrory is a registered professional biologist specializing in the study of wild horses, bears and western toads.
Wayne is a leading expert on bear conservation and human-bear conflict. He was a driving force in the creation of the Khutzeymateen/K’tzim-a-deen Grizzly Sanctuary as well as the Kitasoo Spirit Bear Conservancy, and for 30 years he worked with many others to end B.C.’s grizzly bear trophy hunt.
Wayne has published more than ninety scientific reports on wildlife and conservation, including two technical reports on wild horses in BC and Alberta. With horse genetics expert Dr. Gus Cothran, he has coauthored two reports on the genetics of wild horses in the Chilcotin.
In Wild Horses of the Chilcotin, there’s also kind of a low key mystical aspect to the book too - through the sharing of his dreams and experiences on the land, you get the sense that there’s an underlying subtext around a scientist encountering his spiritual self and seeking to defend and protect something bigger, something ineffable yet essential to the human spirit.
Buy the book: The Wild Horses of the Chilcotin: Their History and Future
Learn more about the Elegesi Qiyus (Eagle Lake Henry) Wild Horse Preserve of the Xeni Gwet'in
Watch In the Valley of Wild Horses on YouTube about the Xeni community 
Friends of the Nemaiah Valley
The Once and Future World: Nature As It Was, As It Is, As It Could Be, JB MacKinnon
Sharon Astyk re: collapse
Yvonne Owens
Recent mask effectiveness research and NIOSH citation by Consumer Reports
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Sunday Mar 31, 2024

Looking back and looking forward, standing on threshold with a full decade of The Numinous Podcast behind me, I share 10 Qualities of Leadership, 3 secrets about the show, plus a bonus secret and another extra special bonus secret, a clip of my favourite 15 minutes out of the 10,000+ minutes of the show, and I cry a few times, of course.
So it's a pretty full episode with a good dose of edu-tainment!
Thank you so much for your support over the years.
Mentioned in this episode:
Barefoot doctors
Mirabella Ponders the Mystery
Grieving Susan and Civilization with Michael Phillips
Pollution is Colonialism, Max Liboiron
Thank you to Thanh Mai K'Taaya of SpringUp for language around self-harm and self-determination.
The People's Public Health Education is a project led by The People's Oracle, Dayna Lynn Nuckolls, that seeks to create art and belonging around staying Covid-Safe during the on-going SARS-CoV-2 epidemic. Join us for the organizing meeting on April 3, 2024 (or receive the materials if you can't attend).
Leave feedback for the show here ☎️

Tuesday Mar 26, 2024

This episode is for people who are seeking guidance about how we shall live and work and be joyful together in the face of on-going pandemic. Our guest is Dayna Nuckolls, known online as The People's Oracle, creator of the Divination For Liberation Framework of Sidereal Astrology and The 7 Essential Needs™️. Dayna is a multi-oracle diviner, musician, writer, speaker, and teacher. I'm so excited for her new project: The People's Public Health Education Campaign.
We're talking about the pandemic, we're talking about liberatory astrology, we're planning for a future that includes a grassroots collective care renaissance.
I hope I'll see you at the organizing meeting! 
The People's Public Health Education Campaign Info Meeting
Wednesday, April 3, 2024 at 6pm Central via Zoom
Register to attend (or to receive meeting materials if you can't attend in person):
For questions please contact Dayna on Insta @PeoplesOracle or James @jameslpoteet
For more on Divination For Liberation Sidereal Astrology:
Follow Dayna on Instagram and Twitter: @PeoplesOracle
Get the 2024 Sidereal Astrology Guide:
Mentioned in this Episode
StatsCan Report, Dec 2023: Experiences of Canadians with long-term symptoms following COVID-19
Nature Medicine: Higher health risks associated with each Covid re-infection: Acute and postacute sequelae associated with SARS-CoV-2 reinfection
Mask blocs
Ba-Zi Chinese predictive astrology
Covid-19 Monoclonal Antibodies - emergency use authorization
How to Survive a Plague, by David France
Clean Air Club of Chicago
Leave feedback for the show!
Learn more about The Numinous Network
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Monday Dec 18, 2023

My guest today is Efu Nyaki, a healer born and raised in Tanzania who works internationally facilitating trainings and workshops on trauma healing. I first heard about Efu through my friends, Patricia Petersen and Thérèse Cator who were each members of the inaugural BIPOC-only cohort of Somatic Experiencing (SE) Practitioner trainings. They recently graduated from that multiyear program and I couldn’t be more delighted to congratulate them on this tremendously wonderful achievement! 🎉 Finding a BIPOC practitioner of SE is getting easier in great measure because of the trailblazing work of today’s guest, Efu Nyaki.
Efu is a faculty member at the Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute and also a professor of Systemic Family Constellations Therapy at the Hellinger Science Institute, and is also the founder of AFYA, a women’s holistic healing centre in Brazil. I’m delighted to welcome Efu to the show.
Find Efu's book, Healing Trauma through Family Constellations and Somatic Experiencing: Ancestral Wisdom from the Snail Clan of Tanzania
Follow her on Instagram
Referenced in this episode
BIPOC-only SE training in January 2024
Blog post on epistemic privilege and humility
Patricia Petersen Counselling (incl attachment-informed couple counselling)
Thérèse Cator - Circle of Reclamation
Sign up for my newsletter to be notified when my Level 1: Multidisciplinary Facilitator Training and Level 2: Metaskills for Trauma Sensitive Care training is offered in spring 2024
Tell me your thoughts on this episode! Leave me a voicemail or note at this link.

Wednesday Dec 13, 2023

This episode is a short retrospective of highlights from nearly a decade of The Numinous Podcast!
Below, I've sorted ten years of episodes into 14 playlists. If you don't see 14 categories below in your podcast player show notes, click here to view them on the podcast website. Enjoy!
Intuition, Spirituality, and the Mysteries of Life
TNP4: Love and Angels with Robin Arnold
TNP5: Nature, Mind and the Mystical with J.B.MacKinnon
TNP7: Spirituality + Recovery with Trinity Donnelley MacRae
TNP9: Meditation, Channeling and Connection with Dr.Jonni Gray
TNP11: Public, Private and Political with Louise
TNP13: Spiritual Self-Esteem and Professional Integrity as an Intuitive Practitioner with Judee Gee
TNP14: Carl-Greger on Spontaneous Spiritual Awakening and Direct Experience
TNP16: Jenna DellaGrottaglia on Art + Intuition
TNP17: Shakti Roumagoux: Catholic, Quaker, Engaged Buddhist
TNP18: Arthurian Legend Leadership Lessons with Kent Osborne
TNP22: The Vision Quest with Sparrow Hart
TNP25: Findhorn and Facilitating Inner Knowing with Kate Sutherland
TNP27: Shamanism and the Corporate World with Agneta
TNP30: Kate Sitka on Intuitive Communication with the Animal Kingdom
TNP32: Sex, Spirituality and Intuition with Lesley Stedmon
TNP35: Carmen Answers Listener Questions, Part 1- Trusting Your Intuition
TNP36: Carmen Answers Listener Questions, Part 2 - Trusting Your Pendulum
TNP37: Carmen Answers Listener Questions, Part 3 - Common Questions About Intuition
TNP41: Elle North on Tarot + Intuition
TNP42: Mark Silver on Sufism and the Heart of Business
TNP44: John Michael Greer on Mystery Teaching from the Living Earth
TNP46: Mirabella Ponders the Mystery
TNP50: Carmen & Ruben on Badass Backyard Spirituality
TNP52: Humanism, Atheism and Optimism with Emrys Damon Miller
TNP53: Astronomy's Mysteries with John Reid
TNP59: Ritual + Magic with John Michael Greer
TNP61: Healing the Abandonment Wound, Part 1
TNP62: Healing the Abandonment Wound, Part 2
TNP63: Healing the Abandonment Wound, Part 3
TNP64: {Special Episode} Learning to See in the Dark
TNP72: Alexis P. Morgan on Witchcraft, Magic, and Liberation
TNP73: Charlene Spretnak on Reclaiming Pre-Patriarchal Goddesses
TNP74: Sacred Beekeeping with Nikiah Seeds
TNP76: L'Erin Alta on Lineage and Legacy
TNP77: Digging Deep with Forensic Archeologist Juliana Kabal Xoc
TNP78: Niana Hierlander on the Uncommon Marriage of Celtic Shamanism and Catholic Mysticism
TNP79: Layla Saad on Perspectives of a Black Muslim Woman on the Priestess Path
TNP81: {Numinous School Tutorial} Your Intuition Questions Answered
TNP82: The Eclipse, The Gleaners, and Ruben and I
TNP85: Thérèse Cator on Shadow Alchemy and Life as Ceremony
TNP89: The Journey of the Psychopomp with Cat Webb
TNP90: The Celtic Golden Dawn with John Michael Greer
TNP92: Sufism, Dreamwork and Belonging with Toko-pa Turner
TNP96: Secrets of the Temple with John Michael Greer
TNP98: Priestess, Shaman, Mystic, Scapegoat with Sarah Kerr
TNP99: Monsters and Magical Beings with John Michael Greer
TNP101: Layla Feghali on Plantcestral Medicine
TNP102: Sarah Selecky and Radiant Shimmering Light
TNP103: Witchcraft and Parenting Wisdom with Beth and John Threlfall
TNP104: Magical Cookery and EcoFeminism with Danielle Prohom Olson
TNP124: Elizabeth Brown on Dowsing and Causative Diagnosis
TNP126: Controlled Remote Viewing with Laurie Lambert Williams
TNP127: Moon Magic with Sarah Faith Gottesdiener
TNP128: Scottish Folk Magic with Scott Richardson Reid of the Cailleach's Herbarium
TNP129: Palm Reading with Helene Saucedo
TNP130: Sigil Witchery with Laura Tempest Zakroff
TNP131: The Twelve Faces of the Goddess with Danielle Blackwood
TNP136: Maia Toll on Working with Plant, Animal and Crystal Allies in Troubled Times
TNP140: Darius Mills on Hoodoo Manifestation Magic
TNP141: Eric Tyrone - Get Woke in Your Dreamtime
TNP144: Mimi Young on Intuition and Pandemic Plant Medicine
TNP149: Spiritual Hygiene for the Holidays with Carmen Spagnola
TNP150: Hekatean Witchcraft with Dr.Cyndi Brannen
TNP158: Beyond Crystal Basics with Nicholas Pearson
TNP159: Norse Ritual Animism and Seidr with Maris Bergrune
TNP162: Entering Hekate's Garden with Dr.Cyndi Brannen
TNP169: Sophie Macklin on Antifascist Folklore and Ungovernable Bodies
TNP170: Flower Essences from the Witch's Garden with Nicholas Pearson
TNP173: Creative Witchcraft with Natalie Rousseau
TNP174: Sovereign and Supernatural - Manifesting Beyond Capitalism with L'Erin Alta
TNP175: Ancestral Reverence and Seasonal Traditions with Thérèse Cator
TNP176: Mimi Young on Animism, Numerology and Chinese Astrology
TNP180: What Makes a Witch? with Carmen Spagnola
TNP183: Journey from Maiden to Mother with Sarah Durham Wilson
TNP184: Art and the Moon with Dana da Ponte
TNP185: Trance, Dreams and the Collective with Carmen Spagnola
TNP188: Fumbling Through...All Of It with Kael Klassen
TNP190: Celtic Embodiment with Jen Murphy
TNP191: Entering Hekate's Cave with Dr.Cyndi Brannen
TNP205: Sophie Strand on Mary Magdalene and Miracles
TNP209: {Special Class Recording} Connecting with Plants with Carmen
TNP212: Shauna Janz on Ancestral Veneration in Child-Free and Queer Lineages
TNP216: Success and Spiritual Leadership with Colette Baron-Reid
TNP219: Take Down the Patriarchy and Take Back the Magic with Perdita Finn
TNP230: Spirit Talker Shawn Leonard on working with Your Guides
TNP232: Be the fire, Be the Medicine with Asha Frost
Attachment, Human Relationships, Parenting, Families, and Cults
TNP19: Monique Gray Smith on Ceremony and Sacredness with Children
TNP29: Conscious Parenting with Colleen Adrian
TNP31: Creating Community with Carolyne Taylor
TNP33: Community, Autonomy and Forgiveness with Michael Phillips
TNP39: Rachelle Lamb on Relating, Language and Poetry
TNP40: Bethany Webster on Healing the Mother Wound
TNP46: Mirabella Ponders the Mystery
TNP49: Carolyn Baker on Grief and Love During Collapse
TNP50: Carmen & Ruben on Badass Backyard Spirituality
TNP51: Love in the Apocalypse with Carolyn Baker, PhD
TNP56: Motherless Daughter, Mother: Sheila Webster
TNP61: Healing the Abandonment Wound, Part 1
TNP62: Healing the Abandonment Wound, Part 2
TNP63: Healing the Abandonment Wound, Part 3
TNP69: Tiffany Joseph on Language, Land, and Everything Important
TNP76: L'Erin Alta on Lineage and Legacy
TNP82: The Eclipse, The Gleaners, and Ruben and I
TNP83: Nora Samaran - The Opposite of Rape Culture is Nurturance Culture
TNP84: Honouring Ancestors with Rachael Rice
TNP86: Channelling Change with Jenn Richardson
TNP88: Monique Gray Smith is Speaking Truth
TNP103: Witchcraft and Parenting Wisdom with Beth and John Threlfall
TNP115: Solara Goldwyn on Edible Landscapes, Sustainability, and Climate Dread
TNP116: Matthew Remski on Attachment, High Demand Communities and Yoga's Culture of Abuse
TNP118: Patti Elledge on Attachment, Grieving Together, and Mobilizing Outrage
TNP121: Alexandra Stein on Disorganized Attachment in Cults and Totalitarian Regimes
TNP138: Mara Cur on Hide Tanning and the Orphan's Journey
TNP151: Oliver Choquette on the Intersection of Gender Diversity and Neurodivergence
TNP153: Parenting a Trans Teen with Paria Hassouri
TNP166: Cultivating Sisterhood at (Trans)Midlife with Aurelie Richards
TNP172: A Love Note to Grievers with Angela E Morris
TNP189: Recovering Towards Mothering with Taryn Strong
TNP194: Portrait of a Marriage with Carmen & Ruben, Part 1
TNP195: Portrait of a Marriage with Carmen & Ruben, Part 2
TNP196: Portrait of a Marriage with Carmen & Ruben, Part 3
TNP197: Portrait of a Marriage with Carmen & Ruben, Part 4
TNP208: {Special Class Recording} Attachment + Contact Nutrition 
TNP213: Parenting Beyond Power with Jen Lumanlan
TNP218: Take Down the Patriarchy and Take Back the Magic with Perdita Finn
TNP223: Efu Nyaki on Healing Trauma through Family Constellations and SE
TNP228: New Rules for Dating with Canada's Dating Coach, Chantal Heide
Voices of the Global Majority (BIPOC - Black, Indigenous, People of Colour)
TNP19: Monique Gray Smith on Ceremony and Sacredness with Children
TNP47: Indigo Ocean Dutton on Saying Yes to Happiness
TNP57: Homeless and Hopeless, to Unbounded Joy with Shayla Logan
TNP65: Jessie Hemphill on Walking Between the Worlds
TNP66: Aftab Erfan on Safe Spaces
TNP68: Janet Rogers on Art, History, and Strong Women
TNP69: Tiffany Joseph on Language, Land, and Everything Important
TNP70: Sewit Thomas Jones on Language and Belonging
TNP72: Alexis P. Morgan on Witchcraft, Magic, and Liberation
TNP76: L'Erin Alta on Lineage and Legacy
TNP77: Digging Deep with Forensic Archeologist Juliana Kabal Xoc
TNP79: Layla Saad on Perspectives of a Black Muslim Woman on the Priestess Path
TNP85: Thérèse Cator on Shadow Alchemy and Life as Ceremony
TNP88: Monique Gray Smith is Speaking Truth
TNP93: Queer Nature with Pinar and So Sinopoulos-Lloyd
TNP95: Preparing with Quest with Patricia and Ashley
TNP97: Ancestry, Funerals, and Writing at 4:30am with Leesa Renee Hall
TNP101: Layla Feghali on Plantcestral Medicine
TNP105: Tending the Threshold with Tannur Ali
TNP106: Tending the Threshold with Aftab Erfan
TNP107: Tending the Threshold with Aaron Ortega
TNP110: Tending the Threshold with Desiree Adaway
TNP111: Tending the Threshold with Bayo Akomolafe
TNP114: Jessie Hemphill on Indigenizing Urban Design and Collapse Awareness
TNP117: Monique Gray Smith on the What, Why, and How of Territorial Acknowledgements
TNP120: Tiffany Śwxeloselwet Jospeh on Adaptation
TNP125: Stephanie Papik on Inuit tattoos and Cultural Reclamation
TNP137: Sharon Ross (Afrovivalist) on Emergency Preparedness
TNP140: Darius Mills on Hoodoo Manifestation Magic
TNP141: Eric Tyrone - Get Woke in Your Dreamtime
TNP144: Mimi Young on Intuition and Pandemic Plant Medicine
TNP152: Conscious Grieving with Taraneh Erfan
TNP153: Parenting a Trans Teen with Paria Hassouri
TNP154: Fuck Capitalism – But Wait, What is Capitalism Exactly? With Toi Smith
TNP156: Elaine Alec on Calling Your Spirit Back from Trauma
TNP174: Sovereign and Supernatural - Manifesting Beyond Capitalism with L'Erin Alta
TNP175: Ancestral Reverence and Seasonal Traditions with Thérèse Cator
TNP176: Mimi Young on Animism, Numerology and Chinese Astrology
TNP186: Time as a Tool of Empire with Desiree Adaway
TNP187: Sinking Into Sacred Truth and Giving It Voice with Velda Thomas
TNP201: {AstroMagic Miniseries} The Magic of Mercury with Thea Anderson
TNP211: Taraneh Erfan on Processing Anger
TNP219: The Metaskills of Healing with Thérèse Cator
TNP223: Efu Nyaki on Healing Trauma through Family Constellations and SE
TNP224: Dayna Lynn Nuckolls on Sidereal Astrology and the People's Public Health Education Campaign
TNP227: Tarot for the Hard Work with Maria Minnis 
TNP230: Spirit Talker Shawn Leonard on working with Your Guides
TNP232: Be the fire, Be the Medicine with Asha Frost
Collapse, Dismantling Systems of Oppression, and Revolution
TNP21: Culture, Colonialism and Spirituality with Josiah Neufeld
TNP24: Grieving for Susan and Civilization with Michael Phillips
TNP28: Communism, the Beatniks and the Guru with Michael Phillips
TNP43: Miss Rosie Bitts on Feminism, Burlesque and Self-Expression (Or, Learning to Love Your Jiggly Bits)
TNP49: Carolyn Baker on Grief and Love During Collapse
TNP54: Nicole Foss on Navigating the Perfect Financial Storm
TNP55: How to Build a Life Boat with Nicole Foss
TNP64: {Special Episode} Learning to See in the Dark
TNP65: Jessie Hemphill on Walking Between the Worlds
TNP67: Confronting Whiteness with Rachael Rice and Marybeth Bonfiglio
TNP66: Aftab Erfan on Safe Spaces
TNP68: Janet Rogers on Art, History, and Strong Women
TNP71: Kelly Diels on the Female Lifestyle Empowerment Brand
TNP73: Charlene Spretnak on Reclaiming Pre-Patriarchal Goddesses
TNP75: Jennifer Jacquet Asks, Is Shame a Necessary Tool for Social Cooperation?
TNP82: The Eclipse, The Gleaners, and Ruben and I
TNP83: Nora Samaran - The Opposite of Rape Culture is Nurturance Culture
TNP85: Thérèse Cator on Shadow Alchemy and Life as Ceremony
TNP88: Monique Gray Smith is Speaking Truth
TNP93: Queer Nature with Pinar and So Sinopoulos-Lloyd
TNP104: Magical Cookery and EcoFeminism with Danielle Prohom Olson
TNP105: Tending the Threshold with Tannur Ali
TNP106: Tending the Threshold with Aftab Erfan
TNP107: Tending the Threshold with Aaron Ortega
TNP109: Tending the Threshold with Rachael Rice and Bec Stupak
TNP110: Tending the Threshold with Desiree Adaway
TNP111: Tending the Threshold with Bayo Akomolafe
TNP114: Jessie Hemphill on Indigenizing Urban Design and Collapse Awareness
TNP115: Solara Goldwyn on Edible Landscapes, Sustainability, and Climate Dread
TNP117: Monique Gray Smith on the What, Why, and How of Territorial Acknowledgements
TNP119: John Michael Greer on The Long Descent
TNP120: Tiffany Śwxeloselwet Jospeh on Adaptation
TNP133: Permission to Grieve with Francis Weller
TNP134: Decolonizing Scottish Highland History and Radicalizing Gaelic Folk Culture with Michael Newton
TNP137: Sharon Ross (Afrovivalist) on Emergency Preparedness
TNP139: Colonial Influence on Hide Tanning Past and Present with Mara Cur
TNP143: Bear Hebert on Unlearning Oppression
TNP145: Holly Truhlar on Tending the Threshold of Collapse
TNP146: Carmen + Holly on Collapse Psychology and the Importance of Grief, Ritual, Accountability and Play
TNP147: Tom Hirons Tracks Collapse and Meaning Through Poetry
TNP148: Seeing Yourself Through the Apocalypse with Lindsay Tunkl
TNP154: Fuck Capitalism – But Wait, What is Capitalism Exactly? With Toi Smith
TNP161: Collapse in a Nutshell with Carmen Spagnola
TNP168: Somatics for White-Bodied Folks Recovering Ancestral Wisdom with Marika Heinricks
TNP169: Sophie Macklin on Antifascist Folklore and Ungovernable Bodies
TNP171: Crystie Kisler is Connecting Land and Food
TNP186: Time as a Tool of Empire with Desiree Adaway
TNP193: How Much is Enough in Collapse? with Carmen & Ruben
TNP207: {Special Class Recording} Fascism 101 for Collapse Times
TNP215: Before Capitalism (from a European Perspective) with Sophie Macklin
TNP218: Take Down the Patriarchy and Take Back the Magic with Perdita Finn
TNP219: The Metaskills of Healing with Thérèse Cator
TNP221: Waking Up to the Dark with Clark Strand
TNP224: Dayna Lynn Nuckolls on Sidereal Astrology and the People's Public Health Education Campaign
TNP227: Tarot for the Hard Work with Maria Minnis
TNP234: Unlearning Fatphobia + Embracing Pleasure with Dawn Serra
Grief, Death, and Mortality
TNP24: Grieving for Susan and Civilization with Michael Phillips
TNP49: Carolyn Baker on Grief and Love During Collapse
TNP77: Digging Deep with Forensic Archeologist Juliana Kabal Xoc
TNP84: Honouring Ancestors with Rachael Rice
TNP86: Channelling Change with Jenn Richardson
TNP89: The Journey of the Psychopomp with Cat Webb
TNP97: Ancestry, Funerals, and Writing at 4:30am with Leesa Renee Hall
TNP122: Pashta MaryMoon on Accompanying the Dying, Hospice Singing and Preparing for our Death
TNP123: Sarah Kerr on Being a Death Doula and Coping with Loss When a Pet or Plant Dies
TNP133: Permission to Grieve with Francis Weller
TNP138: Mara Cur on Hide Tanning and the Orphan's Journey
TNP152: Conscious Grieving with Taraneh Erfan
TNP172: A Love Note to Grievers with Angela E. Morris
TNP219: Take Down the Patriarchy and Take Back the Magic with Perdita Finn
TNP230: Spirit Talker Shawn Leonard on working with Your Guides
TNP165: Embracing Sovereignty at Midlife with Nikiah Seeds
TNP179: Navigating Creative Drought and Change with Nikiah Seeds
TNP164: The Astrology of Midlife with Danielle Blackwood
TNP166: Cultivating Sisterhood at (Trans)Midlife with Aurelie Richards
TNP182: Reimagining Elderhood with Sharon Blackie
TNP191: Entering Hekate's Cave with Dr.Cyndi Brannen
TNP216: Success and Spiritual Leadership with Colette Baron-Reid
TNP197: Portrait of a Marriage with Carmen and Ruben (Part Four)
TNP173: Creative Witchcraft with Natalie Rousseau (this one is maybe indirectly related - I can't remember specifics but it feels aligned!)
TNP217: Burnout and Recovery at Midlife with Annie Bray
TNP220: Empower Your Menopause with Dr.Kristin Schnurr, ND
TNP228: New Rules for Dating with Canada's Dating Coach, Chantal Heide
Creativity, Business, and Practitioner Skills
TNP5: Nature, Mind and the Mystical with J.B.MacKinnon
TNP8: Better Living Through Metaphor with Sarah Selecky
TNP15: Lauren Bacon with Tools to Diffuse Imposter Syndrome and Comparison
TNP18: Arthurian Legend Leadership Lessons with Kent Osborne
TNP38: Brooke Semple on Culture, Design, and Authenticity
TNP42: Mark Silver on Sufism and the Heart of Business
TNP45: Emrys Damon Miller on Graphic Design and Shamanism
TNP58: Kindness and Goodness, in Business and Life with Carrie Klassen
TNP60: How the Healer Heals Herself with Lindsay Rose Turner
TNP65: Jessie Hemphill on Walking Between the Worlds
TNP68: Janet Rogers on Art, History, and Strong Women
TNP71: Kelly Diels on the Female Lifestyle Empowerment Brand
TNP77: Digging Deep with Forensic Archeologist Juliana Kabal Xoc
TNP91: Emelia Symginton Fedy is Trying to be Good
TNP97: Ancestry, Funerals, and Writing at 4:30am with Leesa Renee Hall
TNP102: Sarah Selecky and Radiant Shimmering Light
TNP109: Tending the Threshold with Rachael Rice and Bec Stupak
TNP114: Jessie Hemphill on Indigenizing Urban Design and Collapse Awareness
TNP115: Solara Goldwyn on Edible Landscapes, Sustainability, and Climate Dread
TNP167: Lessons Learned from Ira Glass, Roxane Gay, and the Making of The Spirited Kitchen
TNP173: Creative Witchcraft with Natalie Rousseau
TNP177: Journal as Altar, Pages as Portals with Erin Fairchild
TNP178: Eliza Robertson on Writing with the Stars and Magic with the Muses
TNP181: {Takeover Episode} The Making of The Spirited Kitchen
TNP184: Art and the Moon with Dana da Ponte
TNP216: Success and Spiritual Leadership with Colette Baron-Reid
TNP219: The Metaskills of Healing with Thérèse Cator
Land, Nature, and Animism
TNP5: Nature, Mind and the Mystical with J.B.MacKinnon
TNP22: The Vision Quest with Sparrow Hart
TNP30: Kate Sitka on Intuitive Communication with the Animal Kingdom
TNP44: John Michael Greer on Mystery Teaching from the Living Earth
TNP65: Jessie Hemphill on Walking Between the Worlds
TNP68: Janet Rogers on Art, History, and Strong Women
TNP70: Sewit Thomas Jones on Language and Belonging
TNP93: Queer Nature with Pinar and So Sinopoulos-Lloyd
TNP95: Preparing with Quest with Patricia and Ashley
TNP101: Layla Feghali on Plantcestral Medicine
TNP104: Magical Cookery and EcoFeminism with Danielle Prohom Olson
TNP115: Solara Goldwyn on Edible Landscapes, Sustainability, and Climate Dread
TNP117: Monique Gray Smith on the What, Why, and How of Territorial Acknowledgements
TNP136: Maia Toll on Working with Plant, Animal and Crystal Allies in Troubled Times
TNP144: Mimi Young on Intuition and Pandemic Plant Medicine
TNP155: Growing Great Pumpkins with BC Record-Breaker Dave Chan
TNP162: Entering Hekate's Garden with Dr.Cyndi Brannen
TNP170: Flower Essences from the Witch's Garden with Nicholas Pearson
TNP171: Crystie Kisler is Connecting Land and Food
TNP205: Sophie Strand on Mary Magdalene and Miracles
TNP206: Alexa Linton on Interspecies Relating and Healing with Horses
TNP209: {Special Class Recording} Connecting with Plants with Carmen
TNP221: Waking Up to the Dark with Clark Strand
TNP226: Wild Horses of the Chilcotin with Wayne McCrory
TNP232: Be the fire, Be the Medicine with Asha Frost
TNP12: Georgia Nicols on Astrology and Patterns of Knowing
TNP23: Making the Most of Mercury Retrograde with Georgia Nicols
TNP164: The Astrology of Midlife with Danielle Blackwood
TNP178: Eliza Robertson on Writing with the Stars and Magic with the Muses
TNP198: {AstroMagic Miniseries} Eliza Robertson and the Sun
TNP199: {AstroMagic Miniseries} Bronwyn Simons on Moon Magic + Lunar Consciousness
TNP200: {AstroMagic Miniseries} Mars Magic with Carmen Spagnola
TNP201: {AstroMagic Miniseries} The Magic of Mercury with Thea Anderson
TNP202: {AstroMagic Miniseries} Maeg Keane on Connecting with Jupiter
TNP203: {AstroMagic Miniseries} Kristin Mathis, Venus and the Orphic Hymns
TNP204: {AstroMagic Miniseries} ET Shipley on the Power of Saturn
TNP224: Dayna Lynn Nuckolls on Sidereal Astrology and the People's Public Health Education Campaign
Somatics, the Body, and Healing Journeys
TNP32: Sex, Spirituality and Intuition with Lesley Stedmon
TNP43: Miss Rosie Bitts on Feminism, Burlesque and Self-Expression (Or, Learning to Love Your Jiggly Bits)
TNP47: Indigo Ocean Dutton on Saying Yes to Happiness
TNP57: Homeless and Hopeless, to Unbounded Joy with Shayla Logan
TNP60: How the Healer Heals Herself with Lindsay Rose Turner
TNP91: Emelia Symginton Fedy is Trying to be Good
TNP94: Mapping Reclamation with Rachael Maddox
TNP132: Somatic Mentoring with Patti Elledge
TNP156: Elaine Alec on Calling Your Spirit Back from Trauma
TNP168: Somatics for White-Bodied Folks Recovering Ancestral Wisdom with Marika Heinricks
TNP169: Sophie Macklin on Antifascist Folklore and Ungovernable Bodies
TNP187: Sinking Into Sacred Truth and Giving It Voice with Velda Thomas
TNP190: Rooting the Myths of Celtic Embodiment with Jen Murphy
TNP210: RCCX Theory of Complex Illness with Carmen Spagnola
TNP211: Taraneh Erfan on Processing Anger
TNP217: Burnout and Recovery at Midlife with Annie Bray
TNP219: The Metaskills of Healing with Thérèse Cator
TNP220: Empower Your Menopause with Dr.Kristin Schnurr, ND
TNP223: Efu Nyaki on Healing Trauma through Family Constellations and SE
TNP232: Be the Fire, Be the Medicine with Asha Frost
TNP233: Understanding Moral Injury with Dr.Robyn Walser
TNP234: Unlearning Fatphobia + Embracing Pleasure with Dawn Serra
TNP20: Llynne Phillips and Sacred Poetry
TNP39: Rachelle Lamb on Relating, Language and Poetry
TNP147: Tom Hirons Tracks Collapse and Meaning Through Poetry
TNP221: Waking Up to the Dark with Clark Strand
Elder Wisdom
TNP12: Georgia Nicols on Astrology and Patterns of Knowing
TNP20: Llynne Phillips and Sacred Poetry
TNP24: Grieving for Susan and Civilization with Michael Phillips
TNP28: Communism, the Beatniks and the Guru with Michael Phillips
TNP33: Community, Autonomy and Forgiveness with Michael Phillips
TNP49: Carolyn Baker on Grief and Love During Collapse
TNP73: Charlene Spretnak on Reclaiming Pre-Patriarchal Goddesses
TNP122: Pashta MaryMoon on Accompanying the Dying, Hospice Singing and Preparing for our Death
TNP132: Somatic Mentoring with Patti Elledge
TNP155: Growing Great Pumpkins with BC Record-Breaker Dave Chan
TNP216: Success and Spiritual Leadership with Colette Baron-Reid
TNP219: Take Down the Patriarchy and Take Back the Magic with Perdita Finn
TNP221: Waking Up to the Dark with Clark Strand
TNP226: Wild Horses of the Chilcotin with Wayne McCrory
Carmen & Ruben / Rubenations
TNP50: Carmen & Ruben on Badass Backyard Spirituality
TNP75: Jennifer Jacquet Asks, Is Shame a Necessary Tool for Social Cooperation?
TNP82: The Eclipse, The Gleaners, and Ruben and I
TNP83: Nora Samaran - The Opposite of Rape Culture is Nurturance Culture
TNP100: Cocktail Pairings for Your Listening Pleasure
TNP133: Permission to Grieve with Francis Weller
TNP155: Growing Great Pumpkins with BC Record-Breaker Dave Chan
TNP193: How Much is Enough in Collapse? with Carmen & Ruben
TNP194: Portrait of a Marriage with Carmen & Ruben, Part 1
TNP195: Portrait of a Marriage with Carmen & Ruben, Part 2
TNP196: Portrait of a Marriage with Carmen & Ruben, Part 3
TNP197: Portrait of a Marriage with Carmen & Ruben, Part 4
Just Me Talkin'
TNP1: Becoming Your Own Spiritual Advisor, (Premiere Episode, March 30, 2014)
TNP2: Becoming Your Own Spiritual Advisor
TNP3: Becoming Your Own Spiritual Advisor
TNP35: Carmen Answers Listener Questions, Part 1- Trusting Your Intuition
TNP36: Carmen Answers Listener Questions, Part 2 - Trusting Your Pendulum
TNP37: Carmen Answers Listener Questions, Part 3 - Common Questions About Intuition
TNP61: Healing the Abandonment Wound, Part 1
TNP62: Healing the Abandonment Wound, Part 2
TNP63: Healing the Abandonment Wound, Part 3
TNP64: {Special Episode} Learning to See in the Dark
TNP81: {Numinous School Tutorial} Your Intuition Questions Answered
TNP149: Spiritual Hygiene for the Holidays with Carmen Spagnola
TNP160: The Bruce Springsteen Soundtrack
TNP161: Collapse in a Nutshell with Carmen Spagnola
TNP180: What Makes a Witch? with Carmen Spagnola
TNP185: Trance, Dreams and the Collective with Carmen Spagnola
TNP200: {AstroMagic Miniseries} Mars Magic with Carmen Spagnola
TNP207: {Special Class Recording} Fascism 101 for Collapse Times
TNP208: {Special Class Recording} Attachment + Contact Nutrition 
TNP209: {Special Class Recording} Connecting with Plants with Carmen
TNP225: 10th Anniversary Episode! 3 Secrets + My Thoughts on the Mystery of Life
✨ ☎️ Leave feedback! 💌✨

Friday Dec 08, 2023

Today, we welcome Clark Strand to the show to talk about his book, Waking up to the Dark: The Black Madonna's Gospel for an Age of Extinction and Collapse. Clark has written numerous books and articles, his work has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times and the Washington Post, and he is co-author with previous podcast guest, Perdita Finn, of the book, The Way of the Rose.
In this episode, we go back to the beginning, in more ways than one. We explore the Deep Time of our neolithic ancestors, and even just how distant the world of our ancestors of less than 100 years ago seems, as we discuss the ways in which electric light has shaped our lives and our psyches. We discuss how electrification has led us to the climate crisis we’re in today. Waking up to the Dark is an urgent message from an apparition that Clark calls Our Lady of Climate Change about the challenges to come. 
Get or gift a copy of Waking Up to the Dark
Learn more about the Way of the Rose Fellowship
Monthly Tricycle Haiku Challenge
Follow Clark on Instagram:
Perdita Finn's episode of The Numinous Podcast
Sophie Strand's episode of The Numinous Podcast
Learn more about The Spirit of Yuletide
Join The Numinous Network
Review this podcast!
{NEW!} Leave a comment or question for me – I may respond in a future episode!

Friday Nov 17, 2023

I have been a student in the most life-changing class about perimenopause for the better part of this year. Actually, it’s a telehealth group – a group of patients meeting monthly for online sessions – under the care of Dr.Kristin Schnurr, a naturopathic doctor who specializes in complex endocrine concerns including perimenopause and postmenopause.
In this episode, we explore:
• how long perimenopause lasts• how to know which stage of perimenopause you're in• why vasomotor symptoms (hot flashes and night sweats) can be more serious than we think• the connection between ACE scores and perimenopausal symptoms
and so much more!
Referenced in this episode:
Read Dr.Kristin's full bio here.
Follow her on Instagram.
Get on Dr.Kristin's newsletter by visiting her website here:
Dr.Kristin's Upcoming Therapeutic Small Group Programs:
Empowered - Navigating the Perimenopausal Transition - This group would be a good fit for those of you still menstruating or if it has been less than one year from your last menstrual period. Sign up for her newsletter to be the first to know when registration opens.
Emergence - An Exploration of Life After Menopause - For those of you for whom it has been 12 months since your last menstrual period. Sign up for her newsletter to be the first to know when registration opens.
Beginning in January 2024 these groups will meet virtually every month for 12 months. Over the course of the year, you'll cover comprehensive and up to date information in a safe and nurturing space. The emphasis will be on listening to your inner wisdom as you make informed decisions in support of your own unique health. Registration opens November 20th, 2023 via newsletter mail-out. If you miss that deadline, email the office to get on the waitlist:
Self-Paced Course: Empowered - Navigating the Perimenopausal Transition (Coming Soon! Visit her website and sign up for her newsletter for the announcement)
International Menopause Society
The Menopause Society
Daily Record of Severity of Problems tracking sheet
ACE Studies information and quiz
Perimenopause Playlist of relevant Numinous Podcast episodes
TNP165: Embracing Sovereignty at Midlife with Nikiah Seeds
TNP179: Navigating Creative Drought and Change with Nikiah Seeds
TNP164: The Astrology of Midlife with Danielle Blackwood
TNP182: Reimagining Elderhood with Sharon Blackie
TNP191: Entering Hekate's Cave with Dr.Cyndi Brannen
TNP216: Success and Spiritual Leadership with Colette Baron-Reid
TNP197: Portrait of a Marriage with Carmen and Ruben (Part Four)
TNP173: Creative Witchcraft with Natalie Rousseau (this one is maybe indirectly related - I can't remember specifics but it feels aligned!)
TNP217: Burnout and Recovery at Midlife with Annie Bray
Does this material resonate? Join us live!
Check out The Numinous Network and come to the Peri/Meno Jams and AMAs
Come hang out with us for The Spirit of Yuletide
Like what you heard? Give a little love to the podcast with a nice review!

Thursday Oct 26, 2023

Wow, this is a juicy one. My dear friend, Thérèse Cator, is back on the show in this special replay of a session we co-led as a warm-up event for my Witches New Year Gathering happening on October 28, 2023.
Thérèse Cator is a trauma-informed embodiment practitioner who specializes in helping people develop a connection to their bodies that promotes wellness and healing. Cator’s work provides an intersectional and decolonial lens that is rare in an overwhelmingly white and ableist somatics field. Thérèse is also the founder of Embodied Black Girl, a global community that stands for the embodied liberation of Black women and femmes and women of color everywhere. Embodied Black Girl is devoted to creating a safe space for to heal from intergenerational trauma, racialized stress and colonial conditioning in service of our individual and collective liberation and healing. Thérèse has been featured in Forbes and MindBodyGreen, and she has delivered workshops to major tech companies while maintaining her focus on Black women's and femmes' health.
We've been friends since 2017 and over the years have been in trainings together as students, as well as co-facilitated and collaborated on projects. We often independently come up with new directions we want to take with our work, only to find the other was planning the exact same thing. And that's what happened here! We are each offering facilitator trainings in 2024 and we're here to give some insight into our shared philosophical approach.
Referenced in this episode
TNP85: Thérèse Cator on Shadow Alchemy and Life as Ceremony
Sign up for Thérèse's newsletter on her website
Find out more about Thérèse's background here
Can academic reading be healing?, by Katherine Firth (the Routledge article based off Sedgewick's concept of "reparative reading") 
Sedgewick's original essay on "paranoid reading" versus "reparative reading"
TNP161: Collapse in a Nutshell
Learn more about the Metaskills of Collapse in my Collapse 101 course in The Numinous Network, or join us to experience our manner of approach for group facilitation. 
Last call to get your ticket for Witches New Year! Recordings available to stream until Nov 7, 2023.
Sign up for my newsletter so you'll know when my facilitation training opens in Feb/March 2024.
Like this episode? Give it a review! As you can tell, I read them and they matter to me!

Saturday Oct 21, 2023

My guest today is Perdita Finn, co-founder, with her husband Clark Strand, of the non-denominational international fellowship, The Way of the Rose, which inspired their book, The Way of the Rose: The Radical Path of the Divine Feminine Hidden in the Rosary. Her newest book is called Take Back the Magic:Conversations with the Unseen World. It's part spiritual memoir, part ancestral veneration how-to, part takedown of the patriarchy through correspondence with her deceased father who was a doctor. 
I absolutely loved this conversation and could listen to Perdita for hours. I highly recommend you seek out her book, Take Back the Magic, and spend some time communing with your Beloved Dead.
Follow Perdita on Instagram
Join Perdita's Substack
Referenced in this episode
TNP73 Charlene Spretnak on Reclaiming PrePatriarchal Goddesses
Like this episode? I'd love your review! 🙏🏻💖
Check out Witches New Year 2023
Learn more about The Numinous Network
Check out my book, The Spirited Kitchen: Recipes & Rituals for the Wheel of the Year
Author photo by Juliet Lofrado.

Thursday Oct 19, 2023

I saw a meme that said, "If I am googling symptoms and the treatment says "mindfulness", I know there's no treatment for my condition". I laughed but...for real, can't we do any better than this??
Let's have a real conversation about the pervasiveness of burnout and the gaslighting of the wellness industrial complex. If you're a regular listener, you know we have a clear line of sight on patriarchy and capitalism and we have long been well aware that they're the underlying cause, as with white supremacy, ableism, all of it. Clearly self-help and meditation isn't enough.
And yet, there is something to it, isn't there? It would be awfully ignorant of me to not recognize that a millenias-old practice probably has some merit. The benefits of meditation on our overall wellbeing and to support restoration of the nervous system are clear, (experientially if not always empirically).
Here to muddle through this with me today is my friend, Annie Bray, a longtime meditation teacher and bodywork practitioner. She's also a somatic coach and one of our Guides in The Numinous Network leading monthly Polyvagal Theory-informed meditation sessions. Annie also studied with Joanna Macy, root teacher of the Work That Reconnects, and we invoke her as a muse in this conversation, reflecting on her spiritual leadership as a woman in later life. It's nice to reflect on those who've inspired us as we navigate our entrepreneurship in the wellness space.
Annie has 20 years' experience as a manual therapist, plus deep study in trauma recovery, applied polyvagal theory, meditation, yoga and trauma-informed coaching. In her work, she aims to support folks to feel reliably well-met, relatively safe and free to engage with life meaningfully.
Check out Annie's website here
Learn more about Annie's 1:1 Somatic Coaching
REORIENT: a 12-week meditation program for midlife caregivers, based deeply in both WTR and in attachment and polyvagal theory, set to run again in January, with increased focus on midlife caregivers dealing with burnout.
Follow her on Instagram
Referenced in this episode
Joanna Macy
Work That Reconnects
Recent studies on burnout
Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle, Emily Nagoski and Amelia Nagoski
Donald Winnicott's Good Enough Mother studies
Lifting Heavy Things: Healing Trauma One Rep at a Time, by Laura Khadouri
Check out The Numinous Network to try Annie's class and more!
Review The Spirited Kitchen on Amazon
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(Thanks in advance for taking the time 💖)

Friday Oct 13, 2023

🚨Alert! 🚨 Alert! 🚨This is a very special episode where my life comes full circle! I am unspeakably thrilled to welcome Colette Baron-Reid to the show.
Colette Baron-Reid is a bestselling author of 15 best-selling Oracle card decks, with over a million sold worldwide and 7 books published in 27 languages. In fact, her iconic deck, The Enchanted Map, is the #1 oracle deck I've recommended for the past decade for people to develop their intuition and card reading skills.
This interview is candid, it's intimate, and it's a very frank reflection on the lessons learned over a 30+ year career in spiritual leadership. We talk workaholism, we talk intergenerational trauma, we talk menopause... We talk about diversity, equity and inclusion in the spiritual self-help genre, and humility in the face of public scrutiny. We talk about diving deeper into shadow work and real, authentic repair. Join us for a fascinating portrait of a wise woman just getting started at 65...
Colette is an internationally acclaimed Oracle expert, spiritual intuitive, personal transformation thought leader, business strategist, artist, and educator. She's the founder of The Oracle School Experience®, OraclePalooza®, and host of INSIDE THE WOONIVERSE, a weekly podcast series. She's a former EMI recording artist has been living clean and sober for the last 37 years. Colette provided numerous in-depth resources in this episode:
Visit Colette's website
Oracle School
Colette's membership site
Inside the Woo-niverse podcast
Know Justice, Know Peace by Dr. Deborah Egerton, Enneagram + Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility specialist
Mindful of Race and Healing Rage by Ruth King
Like this episode? Review the podcast! 🙏🏻

Monday Oct 09, 2023

This is a conversation about capitalism, and therefore about whiteness and supremacy culture. There is a bit of a record scratch moment when I say something that sounds pretty obliviously white, then correct myself. I like to leave the mistakes in because it's good reconditioning from perfectionism/whiteness. Enjoy!
Sophie Macklin is an anarchist mystic who lived in California for fifteen years but recently returned home to England. She practises brythonic polytheism, antifascism, and devotion to an animate world, and specializes in topics related to radical history, anti-capitalism, antifascism, reclaiming the commons, anti-ableism, and exploring different ways of knowing. She’s an educator whose work has deeply impacted my own.
I've invited Sophie back to the show to talk about capitalism and its accompanying attitudes around productivity, disability, and land use. In this episode, we’re talking about a period of history in England when we saw the end of access to common lands to the system of private property and land ownership which we now think of as normal. If you want to jam on Caliban and the Witch and the work of Silvia Federici, this one's for you!
Sophie is a presenter at my annual Witches New Year event – hope you'll join us!
Silvia Federici
Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body, and Primitive Accumulation, by Silvia Federici
Horse Power and Magic, George Ewart Evans
Follow Sophie on Instagram @sophiemacklin
Join us at Witches New Year 2023
Review the podcast!

Friday Oct 06, 2023

Emily Rose is a content creator from Montreal who hosts a pop culture and reality TV recap podcast called It's Become a Whole Thing. She's also an herbalist and an astrologer. After the death of her mother in the start of the pandemic, Emily needed an outlet to disconnect from the heaviness of life and she found it in pop culture and a whole new world on TikTok where creativity and smarts meet niche communities and a swell of support on social media.
Emily can usually be found glued to her couch, on a quest for a new brunch spot, or on a troll stroll (the antithesis to the hot girl walk: no minimum distances, just taking your bad attitude and bad outfit to get some air and Vitamin D).
The Stuff I Hate Journal: Trends I Hate. Foods I Loathe. People Who Annoy Me. And Everything Else That's the Absolute Worst, by Emily Rose
It's Become A Whole Thing Podcast
Emily's TikTok: @itsbecomeawholething
Meredith Lynch, writer and pop culture deep dives
Molly McPherson, public relations and crisis communications 
The Zen Blonde, pop culture deep dives
Friday Things, Stacy Lee Kong
Colleen Emery, Emery Herbals
Letterkenny, Canada's second best ever situational comedy IMHO
Bridget Casey, financial coach
KikiMay, feminist analysis, smashing the patriarchy one ding dong at a time
Review this podcast now!

Friday Sep 29, 2023

My guest today is Jen Lumanlan host of the popular podcast, Your Parenting Mojo, and author of the book Parenting Beyond Power: How to Use Connection and Collaboration to Transform Your Family - and the World.
After attending Berkeley and Yale and following a traditional career path in sustainability consulting, Jen found that parenting was her toughest challenge yet. She went back to school for a master’s degree in psychology focused on child development and another in education, and trained as a Co-Active coach to share what she learned with other parents.
In the book, she shares about her own struggles as a child and a content warning here for bereavement and discussion of disordered eating.
For my listeners who are people of the global majority, the book is written from the perspective of a white parent grappling with unlearning the use of dominance and other more subtle aspects of white supremacy culture. In this conversation, it does take a minute to get around to stating explicitly that white parents do not have the same parents as parents who are Black, or Indigenous or Asian or other oppressed identities. I want to assure you we do get around to that and also that it is front and centre throughout the book, and it’s handled with nuance. It’s an excellent book for folks who are actively seeking or maybe just starting to be curious about how to dismantle systems of oppression and unhook from supremacy culture and the use of dominance and coercion at the family and relational level.
Here's how you can get Jen's book through a gift economy approach:
Decolonizing Non-Violent Communication, Meenadchi
Needy: How to Advocate for your Needs and Claim your Sovereignty, Mara Glatzel
My Collapse 101 course is included with membership in The Numinous Network
Stacy Lee Kong of Friday Things explains the coercive control at work in the Jonah Hill/Sarah Brady text exchange
My social media post/explainer on coercive control
Why Giving Choices Doesn't Work And What To Do Instead, Your Parenting Mojo Podcast
Dismantling White Supremacy Culture in our Families, Amanda Gross
White Supremacy Culture, Tema Okun
Zawn Villines on Facebook and their substack, Liberating Motherhood: For mothers who are pissed off about sexism, household chore inequality, and endless misogynistic bullshit, and for the allies who want a better world for all of us
How to Get Away with Parenting with Malaika Dowler
Pervasive Drive for Autonomy, Tomlin Wilding
No Self, No Problem: How Neuropsychology Is Catching Up to Buddhism, Chris Niebauer
Like this episode? Review the podcast!

Friday Sep 22, 2023

Shauna Janz is a facilitator at the crossroads of grief, trauma, ritual and ancestral healing. She is a queer cis-woman of northern European ancestry who has been facilitating trauma-informed workshops since 2008 to a wide range of audiences including within education, non-profit, hospice, business, government, and Indigenous settings, locally and internationally.
The intersection of being childfree and ancestral veneration is fascinating to me because when we talk about lineage there’s an implication of continuance. I personally did have a biological child, but I doubt my child will have a child. So it’s interesting to cast my net a little wider when I ponder the question, Who am I becoming an ancestor for? And when I think about my spiritual practice of ancestral veneration, it’s interesting to think about whether I’m giving enough attention to ancestors I’m not directly descended from - the aunties, the uncles, the chosen family that my wayback people were connected to, the ones who supported my direct ancestors so I could be here now.
Shauna is exactly who you want as a conversation partner to ponder these questions!
• Belonging to the World - Relationship and Ritual for the Heart of Grief starts Oct 4, 2023
• Elder Wisdom - Connecting with our Ancestral Ecosystems to Embody Love and Liberation
starts Oct 9, 2023 with Tamira Cousett
• Trauma-Informed Grief Support - A Professional Development Workshop on Nov 9-10, 2023
Learning Through Loss, based in Victoria, BC
Review The Spirited Kitchen on,, Goodreads or Indigo
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Wednesday Sep 20, 2023

This is a question for all the woman-identified listeners: What really ignites your rage and how much more than 100% is it patriarchy?
I’m delighted to welcome back to the show, my dear friend Taraneh Erfan to dish on what it’s like to: 
A) recognize the amount of anger is simmering under the surface of our lives living under white capitalist heteropatriarchy 
B) reconcile with that anger given we don’t want to be miserable all the time
C) mobilize and reclaim agency in "a world that doesn’t want us" (to quote Sophie Strand)
Taraneh Erfan is a registered clinical counsellor and a writer with a degree in expressive arts therapy. She was previously on the show when her book came out, Conscious Grieving: The Path of Awakening Through Loss. you may have seen her poetry or pick-me ups on Instagram through her account @mindonspirit and she is one of the presenters at this year’s Witches New Year, an online retreat happening on Saturday, October 28, 2023.
Sign up for my newsletter here.
Learn more about the Woman Life Freedom revolution in Iran here, here, here, and here.

Friday Sep 15, 2023

This episode is for all the folks who are, for whatever reason, familiar with chronic illness, rare disease and/or autoimmune disorder. The Network was inspired by my work with clients living with chronic illness and rare diseases such as Sjogren’s disease, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, POTS, PCOS, and MCAS, specifically.
RCCX Theory is a theory proposed by Dr. Sharon Meglathery that may explain overlapping syndromes associated with chronic illness. This mutation creates a stress vulnerability.
In other words, a brain wired for danger and a body primed for stress.
Co-inherited gene mutations of the RCCX module lead to overlapping “rare” genetic diseases and syndromes in families and individuals. This have catastrophic consequences in settings of severe acute, chronic, or prolonged stress, resulting in medical and/or psychiatric illness.
Listeners who may find this episode particularly validating may have experience or be familiar with:
• Post-Covid / Long Covid syndrome• Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)• Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS)• Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome• Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME)• Sjogren's Syndrome• Lyme• Vasovagal Syncope• Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)• Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome (IBS) including Crohn's and colitis• Fibromyaligia• Rheumatoid Arthritis• Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS)• Multiple Chemical/Mold/Electrical Sensitivities• Chronic Pain• other dysfunction involving the nervous system including gut biome
Deep gratitude to Dr.Meglathery for her research on the RCCX module. We hope her work is carried forward by fellow scientists and advocates.
Facebook group:
TNP151 Oliver Choquette on the Intersection of Gender Diversity and Neurodivergence
Sign up for my newsletter

Wednesday Sep 13, 2023

What are the steps to spiritual communication with plants?
Do we need to know a lot about horticulture?
How do I know if I'm just making it all up?
In this session, I'm sharing a lightly edited recording of a recent Enrichment session I led within The Numinous Network on connecting with and communicating with plants. I'm offering this sneak peek because it's free Week in the Network from Sept 17-23 - listen in to find out more!
Plant Spirit Healing: A Guide to Working with Plant Consciousness, Pam Montgomery
Communicating with Plants: Heart-Based Practices for Connecting with Plant Spirits, Jen Frey
Braiding Sweetgrass, Robin Wall Kimmerer
The Unlikely Peace at Cuchumaquic: The Parallel Lives of People as Plants: Keeping the Seeds Alive, Martin Prechtel
Edible and Medicinal Flora of the West Coast: The Pacific Northwest and British Columbia, Collin Varner
Luschiim’s Plants: Traditional Indigenous Foods, Materials and Medicines, Dr Luschiim Arvid Charlie,  Nancy Turner
Plants Have So Much to Give Us, All We Have to Do Is Ask: Anishinaabe Botanical Teachings, Mary Siisip Geniusz
TNP202 Maeg Keane on Connecting with Jupiter
Review The Spirited Kitchen: Recipes and Rituals for the Wheel of the Year
Homework for this Lesson
Ask your plant friend what they’d like. Maybe they want to be tended a certain way, maybe they want you to draw them. Stay with the question – at first they might say something like, I want you to take care of yourself, I want you to relax. That’s all good to know, but stay with this question of what you can do for them or offer to them until you get an answer that is truly something they want just for them. When you have the gift, present it to them. Spend time in this space, speaking aloud your gratitude. What do you notice in the days after?
Plant Limpia
Plant bathing: It can be as simple as placing the plant in water, then sprinkling water on you. After you've cleansed yourself, keep a portion of the water and add to it an equal portion of vodka. Place in a spray bottle to cleanse yourself whenever you need to release energetic build-up (spiritual hygiene) or when you are preparing yourself for ritual (purification). Could also infuse a plant in water that is at least 100F, strain, then keep in the fridge until you want to use it. Add it to your bathwater at particularly meaningful times or whenever you’re in need. (Make sure it’s not made from a plant that can cause contact dermatitis).
Plant Dieting
This is a way to really meld with the energies of a plant over an extended period of time. It will take several days or perhaps even weeks just to prepare all of the items you can with a single plant. Then, once all of the your preparations are ready, you would have a retreat day with that plant, ingesting it in all the ways. You will need to source a good beginner's herbalism book to learn how to make tinctures and oxymels, etc. Some recommendations would be:
Rosemary Gladstar's Medicinal Herbs: A Beginner's Guide: 33 Healing Herbs to Know, Grow, and Use
Ava Green and Kate Bensinger's The Comprehensive Guide to Herbalism for Beginners: (2 Books in 1) Grow Medicinal Herbs to Fill Your Herbalist Apothecary with Natural Herbal Remedies and Plant Medicine  
To undertake the ritual of plant dieting, first as your plant ally for a good date to enter into this day-long ritual. When the time comes, begin by eating some of the plant, then make a tea from leaves and drink. Then enjoy some tea made from the roots. After that, perhaps later that day, ingest a tincture. After that you might put balm or oil on your body, followed by some essence on your tongue, perhaps some medicine made of honey infused with the plant, then have an oxymel drink or other fermented version of the plant. Finally, do a trance journey to connect with the plant spirit in the Otherworld. Complete your ritual by thanking your plant ally and following any instructions they gave you.
Make a Plant Essence
Flower essences carry the energetic imprint of a plant and are meant to be ingested. They address emotional symptoms, not physical. 
Below are some basic steps to making a Mother Essence, Stock Essence, and Dosage Essence - some simple basic herbalism so you can work with a particular plant all month and notice how that not only deepens your understanding but also expands your intuitive awareness of this plant and others. 
Begin by asking your plant ally when is the best time to make an essence with them.
Mother Essence: Sterilize a two ounce bottle in boiling water. Fill a small clean glass bowl with about a cup of non-chlorinated water and place it on the ground beside the plant. Collect a few pieces of the plant and place them in the bowl. In order to preserve their pure essence, do not allow the plant parts to touch the ground. Ask the plant for guidance - is there any additional information they'd like to provide about how to make this essence with them? When the plant informs you the essence is ready, fill your two ounce bottle 40%-50% full with good quality brandy* (consisting of 40% alcohol by volume - ABV). Top it up with the essence water, using a fine mesh strainer to ensure no plant material enters the Mother Essence bottle. Your remaining essence water can be poured back into the ground at the foot of your plant, (and you can also take a sip of it, if you feel it's safe and the plant is edible). Label your bottle as Mother Essence and the name of the plant.
Stock Essence: Fill a half-ounce bottle with 60% plain non-chlorinated water and 40% brandy, then add 3 drops of the Mother Essence. Label this bottle as Stock Essence plus the name of the plant. you can use the Stock Essence as a daily point of connection with this plant, trying a single drop on the tongue the morning of one day, noon on another, and night on the next. Journal anything you notice over the weeks, particularly your dreams and coincidences relevant to this plant and its teachings. This stock level of dilution will last at least a year, (some say up to 10 years if stored in a cool, dark place and in a dark glass bottle).
Dosage Essence: Fill a clean, sterilized half-ounce bottle with 70% non-chlorinated water and 30% good quality brandy. To this, add 3 drops of the Stock Essence. Standard dosage is three drops on the tongue three times a day for a month. Notice any changes, synchronicities, messages and dreams. The dosage level of dilution will last for about 2 months. After that, gift the liquid back to the plants and soil.
*If you would prefer not to use alcohol in your essences, you can use vinegar.

Saturday Sep 09, 2023

This episode is one of a series of recordings of live classes that I’m publishing on the podcast so you can have a preview of how I teach ahead of Free Week, which is happening in The Numinous Network from September 17-23, 2023. Get on my newsletter to receive the link when it's sent on September 17.
What is Contact Nutrition and why is it so critical to develop secure attachment in a relationship?
Are there socio-cultural components to secure attachment that might be missing from the popular literature?
Are you wishing you could have the Cole's Notes on attachment theory and just skip right to the practical doing part?
Let's get into it!
Referenced in this episode:
Diane Poole Heller
Stan Tatkin
Amir Levine
Resmaa Menakem
Check out the class schedule for our live events, plus a listing of on-demand video courses available with your Numinous Network membership.

Monday Sep 04, 2023

Let’s talk about fascism today, friends. Why is it important? Because in collapse, authoritarianism always increases. Of course we don't like strong man dictators, military coups, or religious fundamentalism – we hate all the different forms authoritarianism takes. But the especially chilling thing about fascism is that doesn't just happen in the political sphere; it happens at the dinner table.
Average people live under authoritarianism, often for generations, without it altering their daily reality much at all. The power struggles of dictators and regime changes might hardly make a difference. But fascism uses the populace and populist movements as part of its social control. 
Fascism goes deeper and far beyond fear and military might to secure its stranglehold. 
This episode is an excerpt from my online course, Collapse 101, which is accessed as part of my monthly membership subscription program, The Numinous Network. We have a Collapse 101 class lecture, followed by an AMA a week later, almost every month.
In this session, I'm sharing about the hallmarks of fascism so we can be alert to some of the sneaky ways it wends itself into our lives.
Referenced in this episode:
TNP161 Collapse in a Nutshell
TNP193 How Much Is Enough In Collapse? with Carmen & Ruben
The Rewilding Podcast with Peter Michael Bower, ep. 30: Collapse Care with Carmen Spagnola
End Times/New Times: Numinous Podcast Episode Round-Up for Collapse
Recommended Reading:
Ecofascism: Lessons from the German Experience, by Janet Biehl and Peter Staudenmaier, published under the title, "Fascist Ecology: The "Green Wing" of the Nazi Party and its Historical Antecedents" (1996)
On the Rise of the Right-Wing Mass Movements, (2014)
The Undying Appeal of White Nationalism: Neofascism is the cultural, Artistic, and Ecological Movements (2014)
The Return of Fascism in Contemporary Capitalism (2014)
Economic Collapse and the Rise of Fascism, 1920-1933, A People's History of Modern Europe (2016)
The Pagan and Occult Fascist Connection and How To Fix It, by Amy Hale (2019)
Note the difference in tone regarding America in just one year in the following three articles:
Fascism Is Spreading — And It’s a Sign of Civilizational Collapse, Umair Haque (2022)
How Many Collapsing Societies Does It Take to Teach the Same Lesson?, Umair Haque (2023)
America’s Battle To Save Its Democracy From Trumpism, Umair Haque (2023)
If you want to end on a more upbeat note, here's a classic:
Why Socialism? by Albert Einstein
Punching Nazis: Spiritual or No? by me, Carmen Spagnola

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