The Numinous Podcast

The Numinous Podcast is a show about intuition, spirituality and the mystery of life. The host, Carmen Spagnola, is an intersectional witch and clinical hypnotherapist who has smart, soulful conversations with interesting people. The lineup is diverse, the topics are eclectic, and the people are down-to-earth (mostly).

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Friday Nov 01, 2024

Welcome to the final episode of my Witches New Year Podcast Retreat! As you likely know by now, I have a new book coming out in January 2025 called Spells for the Apocalypse: Practical Magic for Turbulent Times. In this episode, you'll get all the tea on how this book came to be, learn what advanced readers like Colette Baron-Reid and Asha Frost had to say about it, and hear excerpts from two chapters: a ritual on facing Fear, and an invocation for Wholeness.
Referenced in this episode:
The Soul's Code: In Search of Character and Calling, James Hillman
Colette Baron-Reid's Enchanted Map Oracle Deck
You Are The Medicine: 13 Moons of Indigenous Wisdom, Asha Frost
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Friday Nov 01, 2024

🎉 This episode is for all the collapse nerds! 🎉
🛑 Content warning 🛑: Frank discussion of near-term scientifically accepted and expected climate crises. For all the folks who feel fragile and might be tipped into a downward spiral, maybe skip this one, yeah?
I've invited collapse astrologer, Hummingbird Star, from @astrologyfortherevolution to join us for Witches New Year to do our year ahead overview. 👏🏻 
Given where we're at in the grand scheme of things, I asked Hummingbird to scan the medium-term horizon to help us understand what the Hermit year might be preparing us for on a collective scale. We're not only touching on topics we may want to contemplative in our collective Hermit year, but also the personal question of what role we wish to play in the revolution.
In this episode, we touch on the Neptunian shifts we should be tracking and much, much more.
Check out Hummingbird's website: www.astrologyfortherevolution.comInstagram:
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Join us for Collapse 101 in the Numinous Network!
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NOTE: In this episode, we talk about the potential failure of the AMOC (Atlantic meridional overturning circulation) and since I was speaking off the cuff, there's a danger that this could be spread as misinformation.
So to be clear: Here's a really nice, succinct and digestible explanation of what the AMOC is, and a nice, succinct, and conservative interpretation of what the shutdown would do, from The Guardian (Oct 23, 2024):
"AMOC, or the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation, is a system of ocean currents that brings heat into the northern Atlantic. Warm surface water from the tropics flows north and releases its heat in the subpolar Atlantic, south of Greenland and west of Britain and Ireland. Then it cools and sinks to a depth of between 2,000m to 3,000 metres before returning south as a cold current. Amoc is one of our planet’s largest heat transport systems, moving the equivalent of 50 times the human energy use, and it has a particularly strong impact on the climate in Europe, affects the ocean’s CO2 uptake and oxygen supply, as well as rainfall patterns in the tropics."
"The effects (of a shutdown) include a cooling of the northern hemisphere, particularly northwestern Europe. There would also be a shift of the tropical rainfall belt to the south, which is bad because the rains will move away from the rainforests to regions that are not used to so much rainfall. So this will mean droughts in some regions and floods in others.
AMOC collapse would also have a major impact on the northern Atlantic sea level, which would rise by half a metre or so, in addition to the rise caused by global heating. It would also reduce the CO2 uptake of the ocean because AMOC sinking in the northern Atlantic takes a lot of CO2 down into the deep oceans where it is safely locked away from the atmosphere.
AMOC collapse would also change the nutrient supply and reduce the oxygen of the deep oceans. This would have a massive effect on marine biology and the entire ecosystem of the northern Atlantic."
Generally speaking, what climate scientists in the past had predicated would not happen until after 2050 is happening now, 30 years earlier. It's not that much of a stretch then, to say that what they predicted would happen *before* 2050 will occur a decade earlier. So the possible range of hitting a tipping point to an AMOC shutdown was predicted to be somewhere between 2030 and 2075, or the end of the century as the very outside possibility of it taking that long.
So that puts the tipping point to shutdown right around... now.
Learn more about the AMOC shutdown from collapse expert, Sharon Astyk

Friday Nov 01, 2024

We're preparing for a soul-searching kind of year with the Hermit card overlighting our path. In the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck, Key 9 (in other words, card number 9) is the Hermit card. In numerology, next year is a 9 year (2+0+2+5). So we look to the lessons of the Hermit card for clues about our developmental task on the spiritual level for the year ahead.
In this episode, I share a brief overview of the Fool's entire journey through the Major Arcana, using Rachel Pollack's Three Cycles of the Majors before I dive deep into the lessons of the Hermit.
Plus we'll notice some patterns when it comes to some intensely disruptive historical events that occured the last time we experienced some of the major outer planet transits that will be happening again in 2025, (which, when taken altogether, are really giving Hermit vibes).
Plus! I offer a 5-card spread to help you interpret the Hermit card and how you can apply its lessons in 2025.
Referenced in this episode:
Red Tarot: A Decolonial Guide to Divinatory Literacy by Chris Marmolejo
Holistic Tarot by Benebell Wen
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Sign up for my newsletter so you know when Spells for the Apocalypse is available with pre-order bonuses!

Friday Nov 01, 2024

{Witches New Year Podcast Retreat} In this very special episode, we're doing a deep dive into the Eleusinian Mysteries and the cults of Demeter and Persephone, including a special trance journey to walk the Sacred Way from Athens to Eleusis, as the ancient initiates did.
Referenced in this episode:
Eleusinian terracotta figurine
Dr.Cyndi Brannen
Jean Shinoda Bolen
Marija Gimbutas
Charlene Spretnak
Dr.Mara Keller
Ritual Path of Initiation into the Eleusinian Mysteries
The Road to Eleusis: Unveiling the Secret of the Mysteries by R.Gordon Wasson* (I have concerns about super shitty and extractive research methods here - not sure I recommend but am citing for proper attribution of research I accessed for this class and subsequent podcast)
Present-day Eleusis from Google Earth
Present-day Athenian Agora
Trance music: "Adrift 2" by Christopher Lloyd Clarke
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Sign up for my newsletter to be notified with pre-order bonuses are available for Spells for the Apocalypse: Practical Magic for Turbulent Times

Thursday Oct 31, 2024

We're back with another class from The Numinous School archive: Trancework Fundamentals. Here you'll learn:
• what is trance? • how does it work?• what is it good for?• is it safe? • what qualities should we look for in a guide to signal that we can trust them with this process?
I'm giving you this information now so you're well prepared in advance of the next episode which will feature a richly evocative trance journey to participate as an initiate in the Eleusinian Mysteries, a 9-day rite of devotion to Demeter, Persephone, Hekate and others, one of the most famous rites of the Hellenistic world performed annually in the autumn.
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Check out my Gut-Directed Hypnotherapy program in The Numinous Network
Prism Magic Mushroom Tea from Sero (affiliate link - Canada only)

Wednesday Oct 30, 2024

The ritual craft for this year's Samhain Wheel of the Year is a perennial favourite: Witch Ladders! I never get bored of them. And I rarely get rid of them, but when I do you'll learn in this episode what I do with them when the magic is finished. You'll want to consult your copy of The Spirited Kitchen for help in deciding which Magical Correspondences will fulfill your intention and make this an effective spell for you. Or simply listen to this episode in full and let the spirit move you towards the materia magica that intuitively works for you!
Mentioned in this episode:
Witch ladder inspo 1
Witch ladder inspo 2
Witch ladder inspo 3
Witch ladder inspo 4
Witch ladder inspo 5
Witch ladder inspo 6
Somerset Witch Ladder: Witches' Ladder: The Hidden History
Knot of Isis
Gordian Knot
Trinity Knot/Triquetra
Buddhist Endless Knot
Constrictor Knot
In the Bath House at Midnight: An Historical Survey of Magic and Divination in Russia by W.F. Ryan
The Power of Words in Miracles, Visions, Incantations and Bewitchments by Klaniczay Gabor
Carmina Gadelica
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Check out my Gut-Directed Hypnotherapy program in The Numinous Network
Prism Magic Mushroom Tea from Sero (affiliate link - Canada only)

Tuesday Oct 29, 2024

In this essay I will show how Thomas Aquinas, due to his early life attachment ruptures and abandonment wound, and under the influence of the violent toxic masculinity of the Inquisition and Aristotle's writings, became a 23 year old incel who went on to drive an 800 year wedge between intuition and the mind for people of European descent.
Mentioned in this episode:
Terror of History: Mystics, Heretics, and Witches in the Western Tradition with Professor Teofilo F. Ruiz, Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles
Why Evil Exists with Professor Charles Mathewes, Ph.D., University of Virginia
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Check out my Gut-Directed Hypnotherapy program in The Numinous Network
Prism Magic Mushroom Tea from Sero (affiliate link - Canada only)

Monday Oct 28, 2024

Happy 49th birthday to me! Here's my gift to you: This is the first episode of a personal retreat podcast miniseries! Half of the episodes help you prepare for the season of the witch, the other half offer a guided day of ritual, trancework, self-care, and divination for 2025. It's a party at your own pace! A party for introverts! We're all doing similar things but inside our own homes on our own time. Huzzah! 🎉 🥳 🎂
I'll be honest, I've got a lot going on right now so this is probably the most off-the-cuff episode I've ever produced. But if you can put up with all my side quest, stories and tangents, there's a lot of good instruction here, especially for folks who are new to working with altars or ancestors.
Here's a shrine I made for Isobell, my grandmother
Mentioned in this episode:
Crafting Personal Shrines: Using Photos, Mementos & Treasures to Create Artful Displays, by Carol Owen
YouTube: AirDry Clay Shrines by CraftyChica Kathy Cano-Murillo
TNP99: Monsters and Magical Beings with John Michael Greer
AstroMagic Miniseries
Try the Gut-Directed Hypnotherapy program in The Numinous Network
Prism Magic Mushroom Tea from Sero (affiliate link - Canada only)
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Saturday Oct 26, 2024

Did you know that matrescence – the process of becoming a mother – takes approximately 2-3 years? It's far from the 3, 6, or 12 month process we've been made to believe. In fact, 20 years after giving birth to my child, I'm still grappling with how it changed me, how I want to mother, and what this identity means to me.
My guest for this episode is Jessie Harrold, coach, doula, educator and author of Mothershift: Reclaiming Motherhood as a Rite of Passage. We're talking about:
• Who goes through "matrescence"? Who is a mother?? What is mothering???• Should postpartum depression (or postpartum anxiety) an expected part of matrescence?• How do we manage the grief, rage or ambivalence that often comes with motherhood?• How are mothers specially equipped to disrupt social norms like capitalism?
Please do pre-order Mothershift before November 11 – get your own Mothershift journal as a bonus gift!
On November 20th from 6-7p.m. Atlantic Time, Jessie will be hosting a virtual launch party with Q&A, giveaways, and practices. Sign up for her newsletter to learn more.
Follow Jessie on Instagram
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Get 10% off all purchases from Sero, my recommended microdosing retailer in Canada (affiliate link)
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Sunday Oct 20, 2024

Jordan Pickell is a Vancouver, BC-based a trauma counsellor. Issues centred in her work include boundary setting, making friends and building community, and the impacts of trauma, violence and oppression. She's our hype woman today for building better boundaries with our parents.
I happened to see on Instagram that Jordan is once again offering her 2hr online workshop, Build Better Boundaries, on Friday, November 15, 2024. It's recorded in case you can't make it live, and it’s less than $40 Canadian!
In that workshop, you’ll map your current relationship dynamics, you’ll uncover your personal boundaries blueprint, and craft a personalized boundaries action plan. In other words, you’re going to get yourself out of the freeze response, and lay the critical groundwork for success so that when you actually do the thing, you are mobilized and confident and ready to handle whatever happens next.
Enjoy this conversation as a warm-up: You'll hear me share about my own journey of setting boundaries, more than a decade of estrangement from my mom, and repair with impacted family members. Jordan shares about her family's style of "enmeshment", the experience of being a first daughter, and cultural factors as a person of mixed race. 
It's an honest and tender conversation, and I'm happy to hear how it lands for you: Click here to leave me a voice note or written message!
Follow Jordan on Instagram and sign up for her newsletter
Check out The Numinous Network
🍄 Learn more about Prism Social Spice Mushroom Tea from Sero 🍄 

Saturday Sep 14, 2024

Welcome back to the second of this teensy tiny Tarot miniseries. Remember, we're continuing our Tarot journey in The Numinous Network throughout the fall and into the new year. Join us for this deep dive! All classes are recorded and archived with no time limit for viewing.
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Wednesday Sep 11, 2024

This is actually an excerpt from a now-retired course I used to have called Intro to Tarot. You'll get all the backstory of that in this episode, but the main content here is about the history of the Tarot going all the way back to a syncretic figure called "Hermes Trismegistus" who was not a singular person but rather a collective of writing by powerful magi, like how Homer is not actually one writer but ratherthe combined works of several bards over centuries...It's mysterious and fascinating and I hope you enjoy this sweet lil artifact from my archive!
Stay tuned for part two on the proliferation of decks across the globe and through the ages, from the Sola Busca deck of the Renaissance to the icon and groundbreaking Rider Waite Smith, to today's artist-driven marketplace of Post Modern decks! Subscribe to this podcast to get that episode automatically in your podcast player.
Thanks to folks who write helpful honest reviews! They help the right listeners find a sense of belonging and resonance - I super appreciate you taking the time to write a few words.
📣 Click here to leave me some direct feedback 📣
Learn more about the Safe & Sound Protocol
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Friday May 31, 2024

My guest today is Clinical Counsellor, relationship therapist, and fat activist, Dawn Serra. Dawn offers trauma-informed, weight-neutral, radical mental health care, particularly for those in larger and marginalized bodies. I super enjoyed this conversation about fatphobia, anti-Blackness, ableism, disability, perimenopause, Ozempic and cultivating a kinder relationship with our ever-changing bodies.
Connect with Dawn at
Follow her on Facebook and Instagram
Referenced in this episode
Mia Mingus, disability rights activist and contributor to Octavia's Brood with her story, Hollow
Gloria Lucas of Nalgona Positivity Pride 
Sabrina Strings and her book, Fearing the Black Body 
Da'Shaun Harrison, Belly of the Beast 
Sonalee Rashatwar @thefatsextherapist
Tressie McMillan Cottom, THICK and Other Essays
Culture Work on TikTok and Substack
Betty Martin
Dr. Asher Larmie, The Fat Doctor   (their Ozempic masterclass is listed here)
Zena Sharman, The Care We Dream of: Liberatory and Transformative Approaches to LGBTQ+ Health
Ep229: What it Feels Like For A Girl with Emelia Symington Fedy on sex and pressure
Ash of The Fat Lip - A Fat Liberation Podcast came up with the infinifat classification - details about the history are here:
Covid PSA:
WHO technical document
University of Bristol study
Elevator Covid transmission study
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Check out The Spirited Kitchen: Recipes and Rituals for the Wheel of the Year
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Thursday May 23, 2024

We're not afraid of grappling with the tough stuff here on The Numinous Podcast! In this episode we're engaging with high stakes violations of values and betrayals that lead to Moral Injury.
Moral Injury can occur when you do or fail to do something, when you witness something, or when you hear about something after the fact, that violates your deeply held beliefs and values in a high stakes context.
Certainly healthcare practitioners and mental health professionals will be interested in this discussion, but also anyone who has grappled with moral emotions like outrage, shame, guilt, and remorse.
Moral injury is a social wound that helps the collective stay co-operative. Grappling with Moral Injury is a civic responsibility – a moral obligation as our guest says – and a sign of a healthy pro-social individual.
Our guest on this episode is Dr.Robyn Walser, a licensed psychologist and co-author of 7 books on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (commonly known as ACT). She has most recently written a book entitled,The Heart of ACT: Developing a Flexible, Process-Based, and Client-Centered Practice Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.  She’s an Assistant Professor at the University of California, Berkeley, the Director of TL Psychological and Consultation Services, and works at the National Center for PTSD. Dr. Walser has been offering ACT workshops since 1998.
Referenced in this episode
Case Conceptualizing in Acceptance and Commitment therapy for Moral Injury: An Active and On-Going Approach to Understanding and Intervening on Moral Injury, by Jacob Farnsworth, Lauren Borges, Sean Barnes and Kent Drescher and Robyn Walser
The Moral Injury Workbook: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Skills for Moving Beyond Shame, Anger and Trauma to Reclaim Your Values by Robyn Walser, Wyatt Evans, Kent Drescher, Jacob Farnsworth
The Heart of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: A Talk by Robyn Walser (YouTube)
The Moral Injury Course
• Become a member of The Numinous Network and begin a supportive somatic practice ahead of the live sessions. Group somatic practice sessions happen Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays.
• If appropriate, begin The Safe & Sound Protocol (included in membership) to support nervous system resilience.
• Attend the live sessions, starting in June. Live Sessions form a sequential series of psychoeducation and progressively layered activities:
Friday, June 28, 10-11am PT
Saturday, June 29, 9-9:45am PT
Sunday, June 30, 10-10:45am PT
Monday, July 1, 10-10:30am PT (optional for additional or catch-up work)
Fridays, July 5, 12, 19, 26, 10-11am PT
Live sessions will be recorded and archived for later viewing at your convenience.
• Optional: Stay on with us for aftercare! In August, we're streamlining the calendar and focusing on somatic practice and weightlifting. (Discharging anger by lifting heavy shit!) In September, the full calendar of events is back up and running, with additional SSP co-listening sessions to support nervous system regulation ahead of the American election season.
The Moral Injury course is included in Numinous Network membership which is offered at a sliding scale from $45 - $75 US per month, providing access to over 30 live events and over 50 hours of video on-demand.
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Learn more about The Spirited Kitchen: Recipes & Rituals for the Wheel of the Year
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Thursday May 23, 2024

This episode is going to be a very special one for all the listeners who live with chronic illness and all the listeners with Indigenous heritage. These stories and experiences are interwoven in my conversation today with Anishinaabe medicine woman, Asha Frost. 
Asha Frost (she/her) is a member of the Chippewas of Nawash First Nation. She’s a longtime healer working with homeopathy, plant medicine, and ceremony. She’s also the author of the bestselling book, You Are the Medicine: 13 Moons of Indigenous Wisdom, Ancestral Connection, and Animal Spirit Guidance, as well as the Sacred Medicine Oracle Deck.
This is real talk about living with chronic illness, and about white supremacy and colonialism in the wellness industry and the medical field.
In this episode, we explore the perennial paradox of any health diagnosis: the tension/balance between accepting the reality of chronic illness while also reaching towards healing.
Throughout, Asha shares some of the medicines that can be helpful on this journey.
Connect with Asha
Follow her on all the socials: Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, TikTok
Pre-order her new oracle deck, The Animal Elders Oracle
Visit her website to sign up for her newsletter
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Saturday May 18, 2024

Mental health professional and somatic coach, Aurelie Richards, is back on the show and we’re talking about secure attachment in movement work – community organizing, workplace unionizing.
How can we do this in a way that's sensitive to the realities of interpersonal neurobiology? In a way that recognizes the value of presencing secure attachment in an environment that naturally brings up unresolved trauma, lack of safeness, perhaps even hostility?
The topic of our show today is very aligned with the energy of the Beltane season, particularly the weaving of the labour movement and other liberatory movements with the energies of spring, collective mobilization, and ecstatic, creative union. 
We get into the nitty gritty of working with a disorganized attachment field within movement work.
We dive into astromagic as part of our organizing strategy.
We discuss the intricacies of power mapping in groups and organizations.
It's a juicy case study of Aurelie's labour organizing experience in a German context with lots for us to learn!
Connect with Aurelie
For resilience coaching, somatics, and burnout prevention visit Aurelie's website. 
Aurelie's resilience workshops, team building, and wellness in the workplace offerings 
Her anarcho queer feminist health collective is actively seeking new members in Berlin!
Folks can direct questions or reach out for support to
No socials, but sign up for Aurelie's newsletter 
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Friday May 10, 2024

Content note: Specific, sometimes graphic, discussion of death.
Shawn Leonard is a Mi'kmaq psychic medium. Gifted and accurate, his television show on APTN called 'Spirit Talker' depicts him travelling to Indigenous communities across the country, learning about their culture and spiritual teachings, and connecting them with their Beloved Dead.
Along the way, he brings hope, healing, and closure, and deepens his connection to his own Mi'kmaq heritage and the medicine of his Indigenous name, White Eagle Spirit Talker.
Connect with Shawn
Follow on all the socials: Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
Get Shawn's book Spirit Talker: Indigenous Stories and Teachings from a Mi'kmaq Psychic Medium (I enjoyed his reading of the audiobook version!)
Join his online course starting in September 2024, Spirit Talker Tribe
Find his oracle deck
Watch Spirit Talker on APTN's streaming service, Lumi
(Also check out Indians and Aliens while you're there!)
Visit Shawn's website to sign up for his newsletter
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Check out Sero for psilocybin support at

Thursday May 02, 2024

If you're a 35 - 55 year old woman, you grew up in the very particular cultural landscape of the pre-#MeToo era. You grew up with boy-centered stories like The Outsiders, Stand By Me, Goonies and The Lost Boys, the  everyday male violence and misogyny of entertainers like Andrew Dice Clay and Sam Kinison, and hypersexualized movies and music like Porky's and "Me So Horny" – LOTS TO UNPACK THERE. Time to revisit and tell our own stories.
Emelia Symington Fedy's memoir, Skid Dogs, is a brave, bittersweet coming-of-age story about a group of high school girls in the '90s navigating friendship, sex, and parents from the retrospective view of a now 30-something woman supporting her mother's cancer journey.
Content Warning: We're talking about rape culture, sexual assault, and gender-based violence in this episode, the impacts still felt decades on, and the process of sexual healing as middle aged women.
We also get a little explicit with the language so…headphones highly recommended!
This is a raw and riveting coming-of-age story about the wild love of teenage friendships and the casual oppression of 90s rape culture, and to be honest it was so searingly accurate I had to wait a minute and gather myself before I invited @emeliasf to come on the show to discuss it.
Publisher's Weekly describes it this way:
“With plenty of Juicy Fruit, padded bras, and pot smoke, the narrative begins as a nostalgia-tinted reverie before evolving into a devastating portrait of the pre-#MeToo era from someone on the other side of it. The author’s candor and courage will move readers regardless of when or where they came of age.” 
Buy Skid Dogs at your favourite local bookseller or the alternative.
Sign up for Emelia's newsletter on her website.
Reach out to a Crisis Line to debrief:
Canadian mental health resources
American mental health resources
International Suicide Hotlines
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Thursday Apr 25, 2024

Content Note: This is a very honest and frank conversation about our topic – modern dating. You may want to listen to this one through headphones! We’ve got a really FUN episode ahead with Canada’s Dating Coach, Chantal Heide, who has some great advice for all the women who are trying, so far unsuccessfully, to date men.
Honestly, I think this might be my new comfort listen. It's so soothing to hear someone preach about sovereignty and self-love and high standards!
Chantal is the author of several books on dating and relationships, among them the notable title, No More Assholes: Your 7 Step Guide to Saying Goodbye to Guys and Finding the Real Man You’re Looking For. 
Chantal's approach to dating is at once more conservative and more radical than most. From a neurobiological attachment perspective, I have no notes. Very sound advice. I never did it this way, but if I was single and wanting to date a man, I'd do it this way.
Check out and follow Chantal:
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Friday Apr 19, 2024

When I tell you that a tarot book is one of the best antiracism workbooks I’ve ever come across, I hope you take note. I honestly think if anyone, whether an adept or a newer student of antiracism, were to pick up Tarot for the Hard Work, it would keep them busy with exercises and practices for the rest of their lives. And, not incidentally, forge a deeper relationship with their tarot practice.
The author and my guest for this episode is Maria Minnis, a tarot reader who teaches about blending spirituality with liberation work. 
Tarot for the Hard Work is a provocative exploration of the twenty-two cards of the Major Arcana that re envisions these archetypes as beacons that illuminate the various ways racism takes root both in ourselves and in the world. With exercises and thought-provoking recommended reading and resources, readers are guided to use Major Arcana themes to dismantle internalized racism, racism in relationships, and racism in communities.
This book exceeded my expectations and I wholeheartedly recommend it.
Buy the Book
Follow Maria on Instagram
Referenced in this Episode
I’m Embracing the Term ‘People of the Global Majority’, by Daniel Lim
"Global Majority" Wikipedia entry
Who Are People of the Global Majority and Why It Matters, by Britt Hawthorne
My Grandmother's Hands, Resmaa Menakem
They Called Me Number One, Bev Sellars 
I Am Woman, Lee Maracle
TNP222 Podcast Playlists for Special Interests 10 Years + 14 Themes
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Percentage of Asymptomatic Infections among SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant-Positive Individuals: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Face Masks and Respirators in the Fight Against the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Review of Current Materials, Advances and Future Perspectives
The People's Public Health Education Campaign is a project of the People's Oracle, Dayna Lynn Nuckolls - follow her on Instagram Twitter or Facebook for more!

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