The Numinous Podcast

The Numinous Podcast is a show about intuition, spirituality and the mystery of life. The host, Carmen Spagnola, is an intersectional witch and clinical hypnotherapist who has smart, soulful conversations with interesting people. The lineup is diverse, the topics are eclectic, and the people are down-to-earth (mostly).

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Thursday Mar 05, 2015

John Michael Greer is the current Grand Archdruid of the Ancient Order of Druids in America, a longtime Golden Dawn initiate and scholar of the Western Mystery Traditions. He is the author of numerous book on a wide range of subjects including peak oil and the decline of industrial societies. He also has two popular blogs, The Archdruid Report and The Well of Galabes.
In this episode, we talk about two of the lessons from John's seminal book, Mystery Teachings from the Living Earth, The Law of Flow and The Law of Limits.
John mentions his admiration of the toaists in this show, and recommends reading Lao-Tzu if you're interested in exploring further. He also cites Aldo Loepold and Henry David Thoreau as influences.

Thursday Feb 26, 2015

The Fabulous Miss Rosie Bitts is a burlesque diva, chanteuse, and sex and body-positive educator with a mission to empower. In this episode, we talk about feminism, the male gaze, doing scary things like taking your clothes off and singing in front of strangers (I don't know which is scarier to me), and learning to love our jiggly bits.
Rosie cites Bettina May as an early influence and talks about the burlesque troupe she co-founded, The Cheescake Review. Rosie offers workshops as well as one-on-one teaching sessions for men and women to develop their sexy sides, and has also authored a number of erotica books and a solo show called "Stories of Love and Passion". It was written to raise awareness for sex worker rights and was selected for performance at New York's United Solo Theatre Festival, the world's largest festival of one-person acts. Bravo, Rosie!
Find out more about working with or hiring Rosie at

Wednesday Feb 18, 2015

Mark Silver is an entrepreneur, business coach, Sufi Master, and has a great sense of humour - such a great combination! He helps his clients "witness the love that's present in business that's hard to see."
In this episode we touch on pretty much everything - Judaism, spiritual disconnect with parents, agnosticism, mystical experiences, Islam, Sufism, the Reclaiming tradition, Wicca, neo-paganism, Jewish goodness, it's a good one, folks.
Find out more about Mark, the Heart of Business and his programs here. He also has a great list of resources about Sufism on his site, too.

Wednesday Feb 11, 2015

Elle North is a tarot teacher, a reiki trainer and the creator of visually stunning websites for spirited entrepreneurs. I love the look and feel of Elle's designs and that's what drew me to her. It's so fun to spend time with someone who is as thoughtful and intuitive as Elle. In this episode, we dive into the tarot, particularly the Major Arcana.
The tarot deck that Elle said was her first is the Herbal Tarot deck and you can see samples of it on the site we both love, Aeclectic Tarot. The deck I use is The Mythic Tarot (old version) by Juliet Sharman-Burke and Liz Greene. The tarot expert mentioned is Rachel Pollack, author of 78 Degrees of Wisdom: A Book of Tarot and Tarot Wisdom: Spiritual Teachings and Deeper Meanings.
Elle has a number of online courses and also offers spiritual mentoring. Find out more about her tarot, reiki and crystals work at
Find out more about her design services at

Wednesday Jan 28, 2015

Oh this is a juicy one. Today I'm talking with Bethany Webster about the effects of patriarchy on mother-daughter relationships and other taboo topics like the impact of our mothers' struggles with self-esteem on our own sense of self. I was surprised to discover that Bethany and I are in the same boat with our mother wounds.
Bethany is a writer, transformational coach, international speaker and what you could call a midwife of the heart. Her work is focused on helping women heal the mother wound so that they can fully claim their brilliance, own their power and live as their authentic selves. Her work has appeared in Elephant Journal and the California Journal of Women Writers. She is the author of the forthcoming book “Healing the Mother Wound: Move Beyond What Your Mother Never Gave You and Become the Woman You’re Meant to Be.”
Interested in private coaching with Bethany on healing the mother wound? Click here for a free, 30 minute session:
Here is where you can get a free download of Bethany's e-book: "Transforming the Inner Mother":

Thursday Jan 22, 2015

Rachelle Lamb specializes in conflict resolution and breakthrough conversations. In this intimate conversation, Rachelle invites us to explore our inner landscape. The vivid imagery in her speech is lyrical and so pleasing to listen to. Enjoy sitting in with us as we share some poetry, some laughs, and some soul food in this episode.

Thursday Jan 15, 2015

Hey, what do you think of my website design? I really love it - it's a beautifully executed interpretation of my vision and it makes me feel good. The magic design fairy that makes it possible is Brooke Semple, the smart cookie behind the boutique agency, Seesaw Design.
With her degree in art history and contemplative approach to visual design, Brooke is one of my favourite collaborators and sounding boards when I'm moving through my creative process. (Can you tell she inspires me endlessly?)
Check out her work and follow her on Instagram and her monthly Field Notes.

Wednesday Jan 07, 2015

Here's what I'm addressing in this, the last in a 3-part series of answering your questions:
#1. What does it mean when you see number sequences repeating everywhere?
#2. What am I doing wrong when I ask my oracle deck a question and the answer is totally unrelated?
#3. Is it normal to suddenly be tearful when I receive a vision or message?
#4. What's your #1 tip for your students about intuitive development? 

Wednesday Dec 17, 2014

Trusting your pendulum: this week I seek advice from a veteran spiritual bookstore owner and also give three tips for getting more accurate information from this practical and useful tool.
The book I suggest in this episode is called The Pendulum Bridge to Infinite Knowing by Dale W. Olson. He also has pendulum chart books.

Wednesday Dec 10, 2014

Mailbag time! I'm always getting questions about how to trust one's intuition more and in this episode, I get ranty about it. This is part one of a 3-part series in which I respond to questions submitted by students of The Numinous School of Intuition, my online intuition development course.

Thursday Dec 04, 2014

Tad Hargrave of Marketing for Hippies is a dear friend and trusted teacher, advisor and mentor of mine. If you like my style of marketing, you'll enjoy his work because he's probably had the strongest influence on my approach. I'm proud to count him as a friend and I'm delighted to finally capture one of our conversations.
In this episode, Tad brings up his views on "charging what you're worth" and I give a shout out to one of my all-time favourite of his hundreds of blog posts. He also mentions our mutual friend, Sufi business guru and all-round nice guy, Mark Silver.

Wednesday Nov 26, 2014

In this third and final episode of my three part conversation with Michael, he tells me about leaving Berkeley and the Communist Party behind, finding himself teaching at a Quaker school in rural Canada, and coming to a place of belonging after decades of seeking, betrayal and resistance. 

Wednesday Oct 08, 2014

We're going there this week on The Numinous Podcast: sex, spirituality, intuition and creativity with Registered Nurse and Certified Sexual Health Educator, Lesley Stedmon. How does our spiritual life influence our sex life and vice versa? How do we draw the line between being "good, giving and game" as a partner and not honouring our authentic self? How do we cultivate creativity and healthy sexuality in the course of busy, modern life?
In this episode, Lesley gets personal and shares what intuition feels like in her body. She also gives some great advice on "discrepancy of desire". To learn more about Lesley's work, visit her site

Thursday Sep 25, 2014

Carolyne Taylor is a community organizer and connector. Known for producing inspirational and uplifting events such as the Victoria Yoga Conference, Conscious Conversations, yoUnlimited, Pitch Your Passion, and the Unlimited Woman Awards, Carolyne is like the Oprah of her city. But what do you do if you want to be part of a heart-centered community and you don't have a Carolyne on call? What if you're an introvert?
In this episode, Carolyne shares with us how she avoids burn-out as a natural "giver" and connector. She also gives sound advice for when you're starting from scratch or joining a new community. Finally, we talk about how to handle the challenges of belonging to or leading a heart-centered community, (especially as an introvert!)
Click to tweet! "Wishes come true when we put action behind them" ~ Carolyne Taylor

Wednesday Sep 17, 2014

Kate Sitka has been able to communicate psychically with animals since she was a little girl. In this episode of The Numinous Podcast, we're talking about how to open dialogue with your pet, the difference between domesitcated and wild animals on the intuitive level, and whether there's a place for animal communication on the farm.
Kate mentions two of her favourite teachers on the show, Sonja Fitzpatrick and Penelope Smith. I also mention my husband's website The Small and Delicious Life (sign up for his occasionally-sent newsletter to follow our adventures in urban homesteading or check us out on Instagram #smallanddeliciouslife).
You can connect with Kate on her website and find her delightful podcast at

Wednesday Sep 10, 2014

How do you teach your child about intuition and staying connected to their inner wisdom? What if your child really doesn't want to listen? What do you do if you get a bad feeling about one of your child's friends? My guest this week is conscious parenting expert, Colleen Adrian. We're talking about control, power dynamics, and messy bedrooms from a spiritual perspective!
In this episode, Colleen mentions two great resources that I heartily endorse as well:
Marshall Rosenberg's system of Non-Violent Communication (also known as Compassionate Communication). To download the "Feelings and Needs" list, check out my colleague Rachelle Lamb's website.
Power vs Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behaviour by David R. Hawkins is a classic in the self-help genre because of its groundbreaking perspective on applied kinesiology, consciousness and energy dynamics.

Thursday Aug 07, 2014

Welcome back to my very special guest, Michael Phillips! In this week's episode, Michael tells about his upbringing as a Communist in 1940s America, followed by the Beat Movement in the '50's and attending UC Berkeley in the '60's.
My previous interview with Michael was called "Grieving Susan + Civilization". 

Wednesday Jul 30, 2014

This week's episode features my friend, Agneta, a Swedish executive leadership coach who, oh by the way, also studied shamanism with some of the most famous teachers alive. 
In this personal interview, Agneta shares what drew her to the shamanic path.  She also talks about the challenges of balancing her spiritual life with her corporate work. I love the end of this interview where she talks about being a catalyst - very inspiring for those who are trying to introduce spirituality in somewhat hostile atmospheres.
Some resources Agneta mentions include:
Alberto Villoldo's Four Winds School (more of a South American tradition).
I've also heard good things about the Institute for Contemporary Shamanic Studies here in Canada.
I met Agneta when we were on a vision quest with Sparrow Hart of Circles of Air and Stone. He also shares medicine wheel teachings and several shamanic rituals.

Wednesday Jul 23, 2014

I'm so pleased to have my beloved teacher, Judee Gee, returning to The Numinous Podcast this week. We're talking about Yin + Yang, Shiva + Shakti, tantra, and the Apostle to the Apostles, Mary Magdalene. Juicy, juicy stuff!
In this conversation, Judee and I share our deep gratitude for the wonderful book by Cynthia Bourgeault, The Meaning of Mary Magdalene. That book truly changed my life.
I also mention my pilgrimage to La Grotte de la Sainte Baume, the grotto where Mary Magdalene lived out her days as a hermitesse.
I can't wait to one day take Judee's Tantric Woman workshop. I believe she is doing a North American tour in 2015 so if you'd like to bring her to your city, you should send her an email ASAP!
If you don't already own it, I highly, highly recommend Judee's book, Intuition: Awakening Your Inner Guide.
Trained as an intuitive psychic, breath therapist and teacher of alternative healing methods in Australia and the USA in the early 1980’s, Judee settled in France in 1988 where she created The Intuition School (L’Ecole de l’Intuition). From 1988 to 2000 she taught her intuition development program in several regions throughout France and also published Intuition: Awakening Your Inner Guide, during that period.
Judee is the past President (1998–2001) of the International Breathwork Foundation and a founding member (2000) of the Global Professional Breathwork Alliance, where she currently serves on the Board of Directors.

Wednesday Jul 16, 2014

Have you, like me, dreamed of quitting everything and going to live indefinitely at Findhorn in Scotland? I'd say I give it serious consideration every five years or so, and a passing thought every other day. It's definitely going to happen one day. Until then, I have Kate.
Kate Sutherland is Faculty with THNK, The School of Creative Leadership, and a social entrepreneur, author, speaker and coach. As Kate sees it, each of us has an inner guidance system, available 24/7 and stunningly accurate. (I agree!)
But most of us barely begin to tap the potential benefits, in part because we don't know how, and in part because society emphasizes outer authority rather than the subtle signals of our inner knowing.
Kate's two books, Make Light Work and Make Light Work In Groups, are a wonderful resource for accessing that inner knowing and drawing it out in others.
Kate will be leading her workshop, Barefoot Facilitation, at Findhorn in August 2014.
Learn more about The Transformation Game here.

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